Saturday, September 11, 2010

National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month and is being promoted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They have a very informative site with some great tips on being prepared at We are helping to promote this site with a link from our home page and with this newsletter to assist in getting the word out and to help our customers in your preparedness planning.

Being prepared starts with three primary steps as outlined on the Ready site: making a plan, keeping informed and getting involved. All of these can be achieved with a little focus and within a relatively short timeframe. More details will found on the link provided above.

Having a pre-built survival kit takes the guess work out of what to include in a kit and will allow for easy quick retrieval as well as creating confidence in knowing you are your family will have the supplies you need to overcome most emergencies. We offer a complete line of emergency kits for most emergencies, natural disasters or office/school environments that have been created by professional survival experts achieving the goals mentioned previously.

These kits leave room for personal needs, are packed in a easily portable container or backpack and should also be augmented with personal items. The following items are suggestions to include:
-         Extra pair of eyeglasses or contacts
-         Sunglasses
-         Medical prescriptions
-         Personal grooming items (finger nail clippers, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush, Tweezers, etc.)
-         Sunscreen and chapstick
-         Chewing gum
-         Fresh batteries
-         Hat (sun and/or cold protection)
-         Additional pair of socks and underwear
-         A little extra cash
-         Hand written address book (electronic forms will not always be available)
-         Reading materials (Bible)
-         Other miscellaneous comfort items

These are just a few of the items we recommend adding to your kits based on our own knowledge and experience. In future newsletters we will add to your preparedness process with further discussion in planning, practicing for emergencies, communication and physical & mental preparedness. So for now thank you for your support and please let us know how we can help you and your family be Off The Grid Ready.

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